Golf Club Double Ended Shaft extension 12 inches Long for Steel Shafts

Golf Club Double Ended Shaft extension 12 inches Long for Steel Shafts

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12" double ended shaft extender 

Shaft Extenders fit into the butt of the existing shaft and underneath the grip to extend club length. These shaft extenders provide exacting fit for steel shafts. The Steel Shaft Extensions can be used to extend the finished playing length of steel shafted clubs. These 304 mm (12") long steel butt extensions feature a 216 mm (8 1/2") parallel mid sections that can be cut in the middle to create two 108 mm (4 1/4") extensions or any smaller size extensions. Each section has a tapered end to perfectly fit inside the shaft being extended. Each extension has a 44.5 mm (1 5/8") shaft insertions depth and is chrome plated to prevent rusting.

 (see other listings for alternate sizes and material) 


  • 4 Sizes
  • For shafts with an external diameter of .560 / .580 / .600 / .620 inches
  • Shaft extender dimensions: Total length 12" (30.4 cm) with 1 5/8" (4.45 cm) stem.
  • Size of these extenders is measured at main body of extender and is to match the shaft size they are being fitted to.
  • Made of chrome plated steel all sizes except .600 which is aluminium
  • Weight: 44.7 gm

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